We don't like legal notices, and we know you don't either. We have no desire to police our users. We also live in a society,
and we're not going to lie to you and say "no rulez lol" when certain kinds of content can get us taken offline or get our
admins in legal trouble. Below you'll find minimum common-sense zero-tolerance rules to keep our community and admins safe.
We've tried to write in plain language wherever possible. Do note that for practical reasons we reserve the right to revoke
your accout for reasons not listed here, however we try to not make a habit of this. Where applicable we will comply with our
duty as a platform to report law violating users to the appropriate authorities.
By utilizing Pain Agency services you agree that you will not...
Users who violate the terms of use will be irrevocably deleted without notice. These terms also apply to communication services such as forums, mailing lists,
irc/matrix channels, newsgroups, and any other service either hosted on or used for pain.agency. If you come across anything that violates the terms of service,
please let us know by reaching out to jjj333.p.1325@gmail.com by email, @jjj333:pain.agency
on matrix, +1 (740) 481 - 1253 by sms or Whatsapp, or @jjj333_p on Snapchat.
Due to the federated nature of matrix, we can not do anything about users not using our server, however we do maintain a list of users we notice violating our TOS over at